Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How it all began

About 2 years ago, a friend and co-worker, Natalie called me to tell me that there were kittens at her house! Naturally, Mr. B and I headed over there as quickly as we could to see these itty bitty kitties.
They were so adorable and small and lovable...and it wasn't long before Mr. B was begging me to let him have one...How could I resist?? The kittens mother had been killed and the babies were left to fend for themselves in the woods...
So, we decided to adopt one, a boy, and we thought the runt of the litter would be best.
baby kitty stretches!!

Now, when baby kitties are this small they need to be bottle fed like every 2 hours...just like a real baby. Also, in nature the mommy kitties "encourage" baby kitties to go # 1 and # 2....
Well, our baby kitty was a superstar...and was good at doing his "business", and at this point he was still I made a comment about how we was a regular "peebody"...and then we were like...he looks kind of like a monkey with his long tail...and a bear with his little ears and face...
Soooooooo...........we were like he's a little Peebody Monkey Bear! And then we thought he needed a title...and thus he became Sir Peebody Monkey Bear!!!
Welcome to our family Sir Peebody Monkey Bear!

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