Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How it all began

About 2 years ago, a friend and co-worker, Natalie called me to tell me that there were kittens at her house! Naturally, Mr. B and I headed over there as quickly as we could to see these itty bitty kitties.
They were so adorable and small and lovable...and it wasn't long before Mr. B was begging me to let him have one...How could I resist?? The kittens mother had been killed and the babies were left to fend for themselves in the woods...
So, we decided to adopt one, a boy, and we thought the runt of the litter would be best.
baby kitty stretches!!

Now, when baby kitties are this small they need to be bottle fed like every 2 hours...just like a real baby. Also, in nature the mommy kitties "encourage" baby kitties to go # 1 and # 2....
Well, our baby kitty was a superstar...and was good at doing his "business", and at this point he was still I made a comment about how we was a regular "peebody"...and then we were like...he looks kind of like a monkey with his long tail...and a bear with his little ears and face...
Soooooooo...........we were like he's a little Peebody Monkey Bear! And then we thought he needed a title...and thus he became Sir Peebody Monkey Bear!!!
Welcome to our family Sir Peebody Monkey Bear!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Our cat/dog, Sir Peebody Monkey Bear

We have a 2 year old male, black, short-haired, indoor cat. His name is Sir Peebody Monkey Bear. I'm not kidding...that is his name. He is the most unusual cat...perhaps we should've seen this coming, as we gave him such an unusual name. It occurs to me, that due to his affinity for antics, a blog would be the ideal places to share his misadventures with the masses.
Sir Peebody gets into heaps of trouble on the daily, and is often caught on camera perpetrating these shenanigans. You see, we think SPBMB believes he is either:
a) a human
b) a dog or
c) the devil
As a result, his behaviours can be somewhat misguided and absurd, considering he is indeed a feline.
So, welcome one and all to the Misadventures of Sir Peebody Monkey Bear the cat/dog!
Sir Peebody monkey Bear sitting in and on his favourite place...the laundry!